Laurie Stoneham
writer . author . filmmaker
A few words about Laurie's words
Freelance content writer/creator for nearly 40 years.
Senior Editor of Oncology for consumer health websites.
Author of forthcoming book on overcoming multiple addictions.
Associate and Contributing Editor of medical journal.
Television news journalist.
Marketing communications specialist.
Filmmaker and video writer/producer/editor.
Training Director and Marketing Manager for an electronics manufacturing firm.
Press Secretary for a U.S. Senate campaign.
White House Intern the summer Nixon resigned.
These are just some of the hats Laurie Stoneham has worn over the years. She has written millions of words and engaged with audiences ranging from neurosurgeons to mothers-to-be with fifth grade reading levels.
Laurie has created content for all media and been published in dozens of print, online and broadcast outlets.
She specializes in writing about health and wellness.